Young MacLeods 2018
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Young MacLeods 2018
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Repopulating an Historic Skye Community – A vision for the future
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Tartan Day

Clansfolk in New York City for the Tartan Day Parade

Each year the Clan MacLeod is well represented at the NYC Tartan Day Parade. A massive thanks to all clansfolk who turn out to wear the tartan! Below is a report of the 2019 parade from Will MacLeod.

The 2020 Tartan Day parade will take place on 4th April 2020. Full details available on the official website.  

A bright sunny day greeted all for the 2019 Tartan Day Parade in New York city. Many of our regulars attended… Elizabeth Skerritt, Josephine Carles, Ruth McLeod, Catherine & Julie Tolmie, Barry & Aviva Seltzer, Olivia & Maddie Bideaux, Will & Ranana. We were also joined by Jenny and Ken visiting from Scotland. Jenny is a MacLeod originally from the Isle of Lewis. We also met several MacLeods watching the parade and hope they will join us marching next year. It was a fun time and enjoyed by all. Hope to see many more of you for the 2020 parade.  

Would like to dedicate the 2019 parade to Mark Carles. Mark is a long time parade participant and often carried the banner. The Carles family has been a stalwart of Clan Macleod in New York for many years starting with Mark’s grandmother, the late Muriel MacLeod Carles (also originally from the Isle of Lewis) and continuing through the generations with Josephine, Sandy, Bridget, Priscilla, et. al. Mark has recently undergone some major surgery and continues to recover in the hospital. Please join us in extending our thoughts and prayers to Mark and all his family as we wish him well.  

Would also like to welcome our latest addition to Clan MacLeod, William (‘Liam’) Michael O’Neill, grandson of our Regional Vice-President, Bonnie Macleod Denka. Congratulations to the family! Liam was unable to attend the parade this year but we hope he will come in the future.