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Information about our privacy policy, cookies, external links, accessibility and copyright.
External Links
Pages on the ACMS website include links to relevant content from other external sites. External links are selected and reviewed when the page is published. However, the ACMS is not responsible for the content or accessibility of external websites. The inclusion of a link to an external website from this website is not an endorsement of that website or the site’s owners (or their products/services).
This page explains the features that have been incorporated into this site to provide a level of accessibility for all users.
Text size
If you find that the text is too small for you to read, you can change it to a size you’re more comfortable with:
- In Internet Explorer, use the Zoom option in the Settings menu.
- In Firefox, press the Alt key to temporarily bring up the traditional Firefox menus. On the menu at the top, click View, then go to Zoom.
- In Chrome, use the Zoom option in the Settings menu.
- In Safari, use the View > Make Text Bigger option.
- In Opera, use the Zoom selector.
- If you use a wheel-mouse, you may be able to change the text size by holding down the Control or Command key and turning the wheel.
- In some browsers you can change the text size using Control or Command and the + and – keys. In certain browsers, these functions may ‘zoom’ the entire site rather than just the text.
Images on the ACMS website
All images on this site contain descriptive alt text.
For information on PDF files and accessibility visit Adobe Accessibility.
Below you will find links to various browsers to help you tailor your current browser to your needs, access alternative browsers or download add-ons:
Internet Explorer
Information provided by Microsoft on how to change browser settings.
Mozilla browsers
Information provided on how to change browser settings in Mozilla browsers.
Google Chrome
Information about accessibility covering a range of Google products.
Information provided by Opera on how to change browser settings.
JAWS screen reader
Download a free trial copy of the screen reader Jaws.
MAGic screen magnification
Information on screen magnification software.