New COSCA Directory of Scottish Heritage Societies and Highland Games Associations
8 June 2023
MacLeod Genealogy Update!
27 June 2023
New COSCA Directory of Scottish Heritage Societies and Highland Games Associations
8 June 2023
MacLeod Genealogy Update!
27 June 2023
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Parliament – additional events added – book now!

Laundry Cottage & MacLeods Tables

The first two additional events for Parliament have now been posted on Parliament’s booking website.

The first is a cookery demonstration and talk by the Hebridean Baker, Coinneach MacLeod. You find out more about Coinneach at . This event will take place on Monday 24th, 2-4 pm approximately. Places are not limited by number but you will have to pay £10 to secure your booking.

The second are two nights of evening meals at the MacLeod Tables Cafe on the Dunvegan Castle Estate. A two-course meal is on offer for 40 folk on Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th at 7 pm. Numbers are limited I’m afraid so you will need to book early to avoid disappointment. The cost will be £30 per person. You are also welcome to bring your own bottle for refreshments. In addition, you will need to make your menu choice while booking.

There will be further updates for other events coming out shortly – predominantly for Raasay Day on Wednesday 26th July. We will of course let you know as soon as these “go live”.

Please do not hesitate to ask any questions to

Hold Fast!