Western Australia

The Clan Society was formed in Perth after the visit of Dame Flora in 1954 and more than fifty members signed up for the inaugural meeting. There have been several presidents during that time, including members of the Talisker family who gave their name to massive pastoral leases in the northwest of the state and to the massive Lake MacLeod near Carnarvon where salt is mined. A large tugboat servicing the port of Cape Cuvier near Carnarvon is aptly named MacLeod. There is something appropriate about naming the craft “MacLeod”, and so, “Hold Fast” would be a good motto for a tug.

MacLeod of Talisker lives in Western Australia and maintains a relationship with the Society. The annual round of activities include a barbeque in the summer, casserole suppers in the winter months, an annual formal dinner and informal socials. Newsletters are produced through the year, and members participate with other clan societies’ events plus those orchestrated by the Scottish Heritage Centre of Western Australia. We generally meet in members’ homes and enjoy the fellowship of each other’s company, as was the way of the old ceilidh in the remote Hebrides.


Dr Ian D. MacLeod
E: iandonaldmacleod@gmail.com

Ruth MacLeod
E: riskmacleod@ozemail.com.au

National Coordinator, Clan MacLeod Societies of Australia (2018-present)
Alex N McLeod
E: mclan@iprimus.com.au