
A Clan MacLeod gathering is first recorded at the Scots Church in Melbourne in 1913 , so although there are no extant records of the foundation of the initial Society, it would appear to have been operating around 1912. The Society was reformed as the Australasian Clan MacLeod Society in 1951 and it became the Victorian society in 1967. It has maintained a strong presence at the various regional highland games and always produces a few tables of members at the Annual Highland Ball. Victoria is proud to have its own MacLeod Pipe Band, (since 1953) which wears the yellow and red tartan of the MacLeod of the Lewes. The band is based in Bendigo and the pipe major is Darryle Kenyon. The society produces a regular newsletter informing members of the range of activities that are still available in this state of Victoria where the Scots played such a major role in the first century of colonisation.
The International Clan MacLeod Gathering in Bendigo in April 1999, with the Bendigo team led by Rod and Heather McLeod, resulted in a major rejuvenation of the Clan Society in Victoria.
Leonie McLeod Ellerton
T: +61 (0) 408 651 266
David Dickie
T: +61 438774421
National Coordinator, Clan MacLeod Societies of Australia (2018-present)
Alex N McLeod
T: +61 8 8327 0925
65 Third Avenue Moana SA 5169