MacLeod Books and Publications

Books in the following section are available from Amazon outlets all over the world. Links to some outlets in countries where ACMS has members are provided.

Stories Told by Chief Flora

by Chief Dame Flora MacLeod of MacLeod

A collection of the Clan’s most memorable stories told to young members of Clan MacLeod at Dunvegan Castle by the 28th Chief, Dame Flora MacLeod of MacLeod during the Fifth Clan Parliament in 1968. The stories were recorded live and faithfully transcribed for future generations.

Included are stories of the Fairy Flag, the iconic standard of the MacLeods, legends of Dunvegan Castle, and the famous feast set out for King James IV by the 8th MacLeod Chief, Alasdair Crotach under the stars on top of MacLeod’s Tables overlooking Dunvegan back in the 16th century. This new paperback edition has 40 pages and utilises Amazon’s premium ink to enhance the colour illustrations.

Now republished by the Associated Clan MacLeod Societies, this new edition is available through Amazon on the following sites:

USA      UK      AUS      Canada    France      Germany      Sweden      Italy

MacLeod Tartans and Septs

by Peter MacLeod

Published in July 2023, a new Clan MacLeod Tartans book is now available exclusively from Amazon.

This brand-new edition comprises a compilation of over sixty tartans currently associated with the Clan MacLeod, its Septs, and its individual members and their families. A general introduction to the history of Clan tartans and a brief description and origin of each tartan are also included.

More information about this new publication here

Published by the Associated Clan MacLeod Societies, this new edition is available through Amazon on the following sites:

USA      UK      AUS     Canada    France      Germany      Sweden     Italy

Tales of Dunvegan

by Brenda MacLeod

Brenda MacLeod’s classic 1950 book ‘Tales of Dunvegan’ which offers a wonderful introduction to the MacLeod Clan legends has now been reprinted.

Tales of Dunvegan provides enchanting reading for those who find refreshment in the simply told tale. The first part of the book deals with the supernatural, absorbing stories which have filtered down through the years and become enriched by the re-telling. Here is the baffling, the inexplicable, the mystic, lifting the reader away from reality for a brief spell. The second half consists of traditional stories, fascinating misty legends long buried and now presented by the author with an imagination born of a rare and intimate knowledge of Skye.

Brenda MacLeod was the daughter of Clan MacLeod historian Canon Roderick C MacLeod of MacLeod. She was a resident of the Isle of Skye and later a frequent visitor, carrying on her father’s research after his death. Brenda was a first cousin to 28th Chief Dame Flora MacLeod. Both Canon Roderick’s brothers were Chiefs: Norman Magnus 26th and Sir Reginald 27th. Sir Reginald was Dame Flora’s father.

Republished by the Associated Clan MacLeod Societies in 2022, this new 110 page paperback edition is available through Amazon on the following sites:

USA      UK      AUS     Canada    France      Germany      Sweden     Italy

The following publications are available on CD and can be purchased directly from ACMS.

Under each item you will see a link displaying ‘Click here to order’. Clicking on this will generate an enquiry email to ACMS Merchandising for shipping costs to different parts of the world. We will let you know what shipping and packaging costs will be added to your order before accepting payment.

The MacLeods: The History of a Clan

I.F. Grant’s complete history of the Clan MacLeod – a truly classic book, first published in 1959. This CD contains the complete text of the book in PDF format.

Price: CD £10.00

Click here to order

The Suradal Tapes Vol I – 300 dpiThe Suradal Tapes Vol I – Notes

The Suardal Tapes – Volume I  (CD)

MacLeod stories told by the late Norman of Suardal, a mesmerising speaker with enormous heart and engaging humour.  Featuring interludes with traditional MacLeod piping tunes played by Norman’s nephew, John Davidson Kelly.

Price: CD Volume I: £11.99

Click here to order

The Suradal Tapes Vols II & IIIThe Suradal Tapes Vols II & III – Notes2

The Suardal Tapes – Volumes II and III  (CD)

MacLeod stories told by the late Norman of Suardal, a mesmerising speaker with enormous heart and engaging humour.  Featuring interludes with traditional MacLeod piping tunes played by Norman’s nephew, John Davidson Kelly.

Price: CD Volumes II and III : £11.99 – Click here to order

Price of Complete set: Volumes I, II, and III: £18.99 –  Click here to order

Apart from The Chiefs of Clan MacLeod, available from Amazon but included in this section as it is part of the MacLeod Genealogy series below, the following books can be purchased directly from ACMS.

Clicking on the ‘Click Here to Order‘ link will generate an enquiry email to ACMS Merchandising for shipping costs to different parts of the world. We will let you know what shipping and packaging costs will be added to your order before accepting payment.

The Chiefs of Clan MacLeod
First published by the Associated Clan MacLeod Societies (ACMS) in 1986 as a hardcover of 227 pages, this new paperback 212 page edition is a definitive description of the Chiefs of Clan MacLeod of Harris and Dunvegan from the first Chief Leòd who lived in the 1200s to the 29th Chief, John MacLeod of MacLeod. This is the most complete genealogy of the MacLeod Chiefs of Harris and Dunvegan. The book is not just a genealogy, however, but tells of the life and times of the Chiefs and their dealings with other clans, disputes with Government authorities, and their relationships with the Scottish Monarchy.

For further information on the five sections of The MacLeods: The Genealogy of a Clan and the Clan MacLeod Trilogy, of which it is part, please refer to this page on the Clan MacLeod website.

This edition now republished by the Associated Clan MacLeod Societies and is available through Amazon on the following sites:

USA      UK      AUS      Canada    France      Germany      Sweden      Italy

Section II: The MacLeods of Talisker, Berneray, Orbost, Luskintyre, Hamer, Greshornish, Uilinish and Dalvey.
by the Rev. Dr. Donald MacKinnon and Alick Morrison.  Republished by the ACMS in 1999, paperback, 133 pages.
Describes the descendants from Ruairidh Mor MacLeod of Harris and Dunvegan, whose five sons were progenitors of many important families of the Clan.
Price £6.00 
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Section III: MacLeod Cadet Families
by Rev. Dr. Donald MacKinnon and Alick Morrison.  Republished by the ACMS in 1999, A5 portrait paperback, 296 pages.
Traces several important families descended from some of the great warrior chiefs of the Clan through to more modern times throughout the world. Descendants from William XIII Chief, Norman XII Chief, Iain Borb VI Chief, William Cleireach V Chief, and Malcolm III Chief.
Price £10.00
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Section IV: The MacLeods of Lewis, including the MacLeods of Raasay
by Alick Morrison.  Republished by the ACMS in 1999, A5 portrait paperback, 125 pages.
Includes revisions and additions from the first edition.
Price £7.00
Click here to order

Section V: The MacLeods of Gairlock, Asynt, Geanies, Flanders, Cambuscurry, Cadboll, Sallachy, Hanada, Coigeach and Eddrachillis.
by Alick Morrison. Republished by the ACMS in 1999, A5 portrait paperback, 196 pages.
Includes a discussion of the MacLeods of Lewis in their struggle against the MacKenzies.
Price £7.00
Click here to order

Chief Flora

A tribute to the 28th Chief. 50 pages.

Edited by Ruairidh Halford-MacLeod
Price £2.50
Click here to order

Building Dunvegan Castle

by Ruairidh Halford-MacLeod. A4, 72 pages.
Price £7.50
Click here to order

Building St Clement’s Church at Rodel, Harris

by Ruairidh Halford-MacLeod. A4, 38 pages.
Price £7.50
Click here to order

Three Centuries of Falsehood

The ‘shame’ of 1650 laid upon The Highland Laird, Neil Macleod, XI Baron of Assynt

by Misses ML and EA Macleod (of Cadboll).
Price £2.35
Click here to order

Tell your Children about the Stones

Tell Your Children about the Stones

by Nancy MacLeod Nicol

A short history of the Clan MacLeod Society, with a forward by John MacLeod of MacLeod, 29th Chief. Published 2002, 63 pages.
Price £5.00
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