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The Chiefs of the Clan MacLeod – new edition!
30 April 2024
MacLeod Music
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The Chiefs of the Clan MacLeod – new edition!
30 April 2024
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MacLeod Tartan at Rugby International in Rome!

On Saturday, 9th March, Scotland played Italy in a Six Nations Rugby Union International at the Olimpico Stadium in Rome and in a thrilling match, Italy came from behind to emerge as winners 31-29. Before the match, five musicians from our friends at the Veneto Piping School proudly wearing MacLeod of Harris Tartan joined a massed band of Italian and Scottish Pipers to play Flower of Scotland. In a message to Associated Clan MacLeod Societies, Silvia one of the five pipers said: “It was a huge thrill to play one of my favourite songs, ‘Flower of Scotland’, for 70,000 people at the Olimpico stadium in Rome on Saturday. The massed band included representatives of 5 Italian pipe bands together with the complete formation of the Jedburgh pipe band. It was wonderful to  play all together on that field! And for us it was a moment of pride to represent Clan MacLeod through the tartan that we wear!” The Veneto Piping School are working towards forming an association to become the future Clan MacLeod Society of Italy but, for now, well done to them and all those Italian piping bands on Saturday! For rugby fans, here’s the 5 minute highlights of the game  and congratulations to Italy on a well-deserved victory!