‘Antique Road Trip’ features Chief Hugh at Dunvegan
21 November 2022New book release: The Tolmie Collection – the Gaelic songs of Frances Tolmie
24 February 2023Next Summer sees the launch of the ‘Leaving Home’ exhibition to celebrate the centenary years of the historic Hebridean Emigration of 1923/24 when ships carrying hundreds of islanders left the Western Isles for new lives in Canada. Searching the Aberdeen University Emigration Database reveals that 237 MacLeods left in this wave of emigration aboard three ships: the Metagama, the Marloch and the SS Canada. Of these MacLeods, 195 came from Lewis, none from Harris, the balance from Uist & Barra. A Summer of Exhibitions, Music, Art and Literary Events will culminate with Tattoo Metagama on 11th and 12th August 2023 fronted appropriately by the 78th Fraser Highlanders from Toronto. The event is hosted by the Western Isles Community Society in partnership with the Stornoway Historical Society.
More details on this colourful poster or from Tony Robson, Chair of the Western Isles Community Society – malzard1949@gmail.com
Members of Clan MacLeod attending the 19th Clan Parliament between July 22nd – 29th July 2023 on the Isle of Skye may like to factor the Leaving Home exhibition into their travel plans.