New book release: The Tolmie Collection – the Gaelic songs of Frances Tolmie
24 February 2023
New York City Tartan Day Parade: Saturday 15th April 2023
7 March 2023A statue is proposed to be erected in Aberdeen to honour son of the Granite City, John James Rickard Macleod. He was one of the researchers credited with discovering insulin and accordingly was awarded a Nobel prize in 1923. The statue will mark the centenary and, subject to sufficient funds being collected, will be unveiled at a ceremony in Aberdeen on Thursday 12th October 2023.
You may have heard of J J R Macleod but it is more likely you have not. Readers of the Clan MacLeod Magazine might recall a brief mention of him amongst other ‘medical MacLeods’ in an article by Ian Campbell Harris [CMM 130]. His research was at the University of Toronto so he is of special interest to Canadians too. Apparently there was some friction between members of the research team that might explain why in subsequent mentions of the discovery Macleod tended to be overlooked. The disservice done to J J R Macleod is now to be rectified and his statue will have him sitting on a park bench in Aberdeen surrounded by pavers with the names of the individuals and organisations that contributed to the estimated £125,000 cost. At least £500 is required for any sort of recognition so MacLeods wishing to contribute may want to do so collectively. For more information visit JJR Macleod Memorial Statue | About the Project