About the ACMS

The Associated Clan MacLeod Societies is an international body that coordinates the ten affiliated national societies around the world. These are the National Clan MacLeod Societies of Australia, Canada, England, France, Germany, New Zealand, Scotland, South Africa, Switzerland and the United States of America. ACMS comprises the National Society Presidents together with the four ACMS office holders: President, Executive Vice-President, Honorary Treasurer, and Honorary Secretary.
ACMS was formed in 1961 to strengthen and consolidate the bond of fellowship among Clan MacLeod Societies throughout the world and among individuals who are members of, or associated with, such Clan MacLeod Societies and among clansfolk generally.
In 1993 ACMS matriculated its Coat of Arms with Lord Lyon. The Arms are used on all official ACMS documents and correspondence. They combine the houses of MacLeod and Lewes in the motto “We shall hold a light” derived respectively from “Hold Fast,” “Luceo non Uro” (I shine not burn), and “I birn quhil I se” (I burn while I shall) symbolising the purpose of ACMS to preserve our cultural history by maintaining the Clan MacLeod family world-wide